Sunday, January 24, 2010

"Creation's revealing Your majesty"

Isn't it cool how God can be seen everywhere? This weekend was winter conference! I don't know, there's just something about being in the mountains that makes me so aware of God's great power!! Usually, I think of God being seen and revealed through his word and through people we come into contact with, but I think being away from the hustle and bustle (yes, even Clinton has that) and being in a place where there is such beauty and grandness just makes you so aware of God's creativity and magnificence! To me, seeing the amazing beauty makes me know that while science can come up with so very many explanations as to how exactly this Earth was formed, there is absolutely no way any combination of random particles could have come together without the hand of God creating it all.
And, while creation can be thought of in simply a past tense, I think creation isn't just something that happened thousands, millions, or billions of years ago. Creation is something that is still happening today. God has his hands in our lives and specially takes time to mold and shape us into those he wants us to be. God sees the same beauty in us that we see in the mountains. They are all beautiful, unique creations, just as we are. That is something I need to remember. God created me specifically and specially.
So, now would be a great time to show you some pictures, but I didn't take any. I'm not used to having a camera.
Additionally. This weekend. One of the BIGGEST highlights outside the conference was the J. Crew factory store. Oh. My. Gosh. All I have to say is 4 shirts for $44! I was so pumped! I had an armful of clothes and Anna looks at me and goes, "Sarah, are you really getting all that?" and I said, "Anna, how can you NOT have this much?!" She said, "before I buy things I think 'do I really need this?" So I thought. Did I really need these clothes? Ummmmm. Yes. 4 shirts for $44. Done.
But, this weekend was great! Its nice to get away for a weekend to regroup.
This week brings with it 2 tests, one being chemistry. Please say a little prayer for me, as Dionne Warwick would do.
That's all for now!
Peace and Love!

1 comment:

  1. LOOK SARAH!!! I read your blog, and I love it!! I totally agree that God's creation is not past tense, and He is still creating things in our life today!! I'm so glad you had a wonderful time at Winter Conference. It is one of my favorite things that PC offers! I wish I could have gone this year. I'm super jealous that you got to spend some time at Montreat. I just love that place! Ok, I also love you and spending quality Stirlings time with you today was an added bonus. Can't wait to go to DLC with you next weekend!! (Ok, I not only read your blog, but I also commented on it. I get double slash triple points now!!)
