Wednesday, January 20, 2010

To be, or not to be?

So, this time every semester (although I've only been in college for a semester and a few weeks, I'll go ahead and say every semester) I have this breakdown as to what I'm going to do with my life. I've always wanted to do something in the medical profession, and due to personal experiences, I decided to go into medicine to become a pediatric rheumatologist. Well, after a semester and a few weeks in college, I am slowly... rapidly, actually... realizing my dislike for biology. Really. I can't stand it! And throw in chemistry on top of it! Kill me now!! I don't know if I don't like it because of what we are primarily studying right now, plants and other things hardly relating to my interests, or if because I really don't enjoy the whole biology thing. So last night, over the stomach bug that is running rampant around PC, I starting thinking about what it is that I truly want to do. And I've come to the conclusion, I honestly have no idea. I think the main reason why I wanted to go into medicine was to be a support and friend for those who are going through pretty unfortunate circumstances, but let's be honest, so so much more comes along with being a doctor! And, I'll just go ahead and say that its pretty darn intimidating having a room full of biology majors, and the majority of them saying they want to go to medical school. Realistically, not everyone can get in. Anyway, I know that I don't have to know what I'm going to do today, I just don't do well in the face of uncertainty.
This blog isn't going to end with some grand realization, as badly as I want it to, but instead with me making a new career goal: to keep an open mind about my future, and to go into something that I truly love!


  1. Sarah, don't fret. Most people graduate after 4 years and still have no clue. I was one of them! You mentioned helping those who are going through hard times....Have you thought about going into counseling? You could do the "private practice" route or the "school counseling" route. Just a thought to toss around in your mind!?!

  2. Since my last comment didn't work, I'll leave one again.
    You are going do be fine! Just take it one day at a time, and when it all seems like its getting to be too much, just stop, take a breath and keep going. Remember that God won't give you anything that you can't handle.
    Love you!

  3. Hey girlie!! Just remember that whatever you decide to be, you will help someone. Everyone has a purpose, and although God hasn't revealed to you yours right now, you have one! God will reveal it in due time. But, just know that no matter what you do, no matter where you are, you will make a difference because you have Christ in you. I realized my purpose over the summer after last year, so don't fret! You have time!!!

    Can't wait for Winter Conference this weekend!
    Love you!
