Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Who told me this would be awful?

Can I just say that I am thoroughly enjoying exam week! Is that weird? I am seriously having such a good time! Sure, the studying is kind of unfortunate, but just this week has been amazing! I mean, we don't have classes, so its not like we are at a loss for time to get everything done. I got a pretty sweet care package compliments of the fam. Breakfast is being served nightly in GDH at 11:00. Seriously. Fun!
Let's see. Apparently there was a tornado, or something very similar last night. Who knew?! I slept right through the windy, stormy conditions.
I know that was short, but I just thought I'd let everyone know that I am by no means suffering this week!
Lots of Love!

1 comment:

  1. glad to hear exam weeks haven't lost their magic! have you discovered yet that HP is not the best place to study? People go there and pretend to study (aka socialize!) Good for you for being a library girl!
